Have you ever imagined making over $100 million dollars in a lifetime? I was really surprised seeing a 28 year old guy, Vince James, who made the mammoth one hundred million dollars that too in 23 months marketing a single product that sold for just $60.
It is really amazing to note that Vince is earning more than the top CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies. The 12 Month Internet Millionaire is a true depiction of how the guy started making the things working for him.
Let me be clear with 12 Month Millionaire. It is not an ebook that tells “Do this …Do that” stuff to Make Money Online. Instead, it is a business model that depicts the journey of a school drop out making millions over the internet.
The 12-Month Internet Millionaire consists of
1. A 6 hour coaching session with Vincent James how he has transformed the business to the internet millionaire. You can download them in the mp3 format so that you can listen to them while you are free.
2. The exact transcript of the discussion in the PDF format so that you can print out and read.
3. Access to Russell’s members only affiliate program where you can directly contact Russell Brunson.
The 12-Month Internet Millionaire coaching session is actually more inspiring than I thought it to be. It is in very interesting to know how Vincent James has started his carrier and made the 100 million dollars. The tapes revealed how he sold club memberships, dietary supplements and tricks involved in drop-shipping.
Vince explains how he made $80,000 a month that too online without owning a website and without advertising and without signing ebay. At the first glance of the sales page, I thought there would be GIMMICKS about internet marketing, but I was totally wrong.
After listening to the mp3 version, I was totally spell bound as it contained myriad priceless tips that can really help you to grow your online business. I would describe “The 12-Month Internet Millionaire” as a true insider marketing tips that exposes the ideas you have never thought possible.