How To Post And Manage Content For Your WordPress Blog?
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of my BLOG readers!
We have seen how to write content for wordpress blog in previous articles. The next step is to post and manage content effectively. It is essential for this method to work that you read the next steps very carefully. We need to get good older domains, so that we can back date our blog posts.
This gives the appearance that our blogs are older and more established and will allow u to register at pay per post sites straight away and will also look more attractive when it comes to link sales and advertisers.
So the first step is to come up with 6 months worth of content. That means about 2-3 posts per week for the first 3 months (36 posts), then 1-2 posts per week for the remaining 3 months (24 posts).
Next we must backdate the original “first post” Hello World. To do this go to the wordpress admin panel and click posts on the left hand side. On the next screen hover over the post title Hello World and click edit.
You can edit the text in the blog post, but under the publish section on the right hand side click edit next to the date, you can now change this date and even the time that this post appears to have been published.
1. Simply click update and then its time to add your content.
2. Under Posts on the left and menu click add new.
3. Add your post title in the first box and your blog content in the second box.
Remember for the first 50 posts to back date these so they appear to have been posted over a 6 month period at regular intervals. For more information on managing content at wordpress blogs, visit the exclusive resource BLOGGING TO THE BANK. Happy Blogging! 🙂