Discover how to target cheap traffic to make profits.
We established that you will pay significantly less for clicks from ads on content network sites. That traffic is, therefore, cheap traffic. Cheap, however, is a comparative term, and the traffic is only cheap if you are making sales and generating a profit by doing so.
It is essential therefore that, before we get down to the nitty-gritty of generating the maximum number of potential buyers from sites on the content network, you focus on converting as many of those visitors into customers as possible when they arrive.
There are many factors that will dictate whether someone will buy the product or service that you are selling once they land on your site. On top of that, your business will have a break-even point, an income per campaign figure below which you are losing money, and above which you are making a profit.
Driving Factors That Convince:
This will be influenced by several of the same factors that convince a visitor to become a customer because it is sales that drive everything in your business.
Amongst these factors are:
1. The perceived value of your product or service. Is it good enough, and does it do what it is claimed to do? Can you improve it? Can you add extra value to it by adding additional bonuses? In other words, can you increase the overall value of the product ‘package’ on offer so that more visitors buy?
If you can, this will naturally improve your conversion ratios – the percentage of visitors who spend money on your site. Is there anything else you can do to increase these ratios?
2. How much are you earning in monetary terms (as opposed to percentages) per sale? You can obviously afford to spend more on advertising if you sell a $99 product than if you sell a $29 one, so is the price point of your product right?
3. Are you adding your visitors to your mailing list? If so, this is adding to the long-term value of your business even if it does not create immediate sales – and that raises the break-even point because it represents future cash in the bank.
4. Are you generating any immediate additional revenues on the back of the initial sales by making a one-time offer and so on? That has to be factored into the value to your business of each customer.
5. What is your refund rate like? For every 100 sales that you make, how much money do you have to send back to customers? If you do not know this, then calculating the break even point is impossible.
Two Powerful Ways To Make Money Online From Cheap Traffic:
List Building:
Some of the best money you can make online is by having a list that you can promote to over and over again. That means multiple sales from being able to bang the list over the head with your offer whenever you want.
Building a relationship with your list is possibly the most profitable thing you can. If they see you as an authority in your market, then you’re more likely to get them to part with their hard earned cash.
Boosting Your Traffic Stats:
It’s widely recognized that sites that get more cheap traffic are more valuable. Traffic is equal to money. So by driving traffic to your niche sites you can legitimately give the traffic figures to your prospects. For example, those who may be looking to purchase new websites.
Honestly, they’re a thousand different ways you can use thousands of visitors a month. The key is to be creative and TESTING to see what works best for you and the markets you are targeting.
No one market has the exactly the same factors that turn visitors into cash – although a lot of them are similar. So it’s up to you to make sure you put the floods of traffic you’ll be able to get nearly on demand to good use. For more information, visit the exclusive resource at MAKE MONEY ONLINE.