Most of us notice that relationships get into a crisis mode at some stage of life. This can be due to many reasons. Over a period of time, people change. This change is nothing but a change in the behavior and mindset. As a result, the relationships would not last forever.
The other reason is old issues. Human beings live life expecting to be cared for and raised well. Our goal in life is always to mature as well-adjusted, sensible, fully human and whole individuals. Sadly, in an imperfect world, this does not happen without a struggle.
Old hurts can crop up at any time, given the right triggers and circumstances. These can cause inner turmoil that comes out as negative behavior – affecting our present relationships.
Another reason is finding out that things are not what you expected. We may have been taught to believe certain things about relationships through popular culture, media, books and stories, and the like. We think these beliefs are always true and when something happens that changes that, it’s sometimes difficult to accept.
When reality strikes, when change happens unexpectedly, when all hurts crop up, our once happy, comfortable lives are shaken and everything we thought our partner was or we were is torn down; this is called disillusionment. Usually, when crisis comes in a relationship, it is part and parcel with disillusionment. Disillusionment is also part and parcel of a gamut of negative emotions that we all go through in a crisis situation.
Whatever it is, there are those who are unable to process disillusionment and think that it is the end of all they hold dear. It is well said that if what you have is misinformed, unhealthy and modeled on the negative patterns of behavior you picked up around you, then you give birth to a relationship that is also unhealthy. This goes for your partner too.
Why not save your relationship now by visiting this exclusive website – Save My Marriage Today.