Website title optimization is a simple SEO technique that delivers outstanding results.
The top companies don’t use this technique but still manage to stay on top. Why is it so? Should Google consider keywords in the title as relevant or irrelevant? Learn to realize the importance of web title optimization:
Website Title Optimization – Why & How:
The webmasters usually complain that their site is shown for irrelevant results. Do you think Google shows such incorrect results? Definitely Not! Whether it is Google or any other search engine, it simply organizes the data in accordance with certain parameters. This organization or categorization is a BIG SECRET popularly known as search engine algorithm.
Google Parameters:
In its blog, Google has specified that there are about 200 parameters that influence the search engine ranking of a website. Out of them, keyword usage and keyword prominence are the most deciding factor with respect to the keyword.
There are other parameters like domain, server side, architecture, content, internal cross-linking, website factors, page specific factors, outbound links, backlink profile, visitor behavior in the form of bounce rate etc.
That means the search engine will sort out the best results based on a number of factors. Of them, some can be managed by the webmasters and whereas with others you will not have a control.
If you classify them as on page and off page search engine optimization, then you will have a better control over on page search engine optimization. To start with on page SEO, you should look at website title optimization.
What Does Web Title Optimization Stand For?
Web title optimization is nothing but the approach to inform search engine robots about the title of your web page. Most of us simply write “home page” as the title tag. This is a wrong strategy.
Tell me … Are you optimizing the web page for keyword “Home Page”? Then why are you using it in your title. Instead of such common nomenclature, why not call your website with the keyword!
Website title optimization will not only help you to get good search engine ranking but also increases the conversion rate. By looking at the title with keywords, the visitor would feel more interested in clicking the site. In this way, you are compelling the visitor to make use of the site in full length.
Keyword in the title tag is one of many factors that influence the high ranking of your site. Just implement it and make your site more authoritative and informative to the visitors. For more information, visit the exclusive resource – SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION SEO.