Farmville game is easy to play. If you can master Farmville tips and tracks, then you can achieve bigger success with Farmville game play. This article explains all that is needed to master Farmville.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie or seasoned farmer, Farmville game is really easy to play. It has three basic steps: Plowing, Planting and Harvesting.
Farmville Game Step 1 – Plowing:
This is preparing your land to plant seeds. To do this, choose the Plow Tool and choose where on your farm you’ll farmer will start plowing up. Plowing costs 15 coins and gives you 1 xp. Sometimes you can get a spinning coin out of your plowed land; these coins are worth 100 coins each.
Farmville Game Step 2 – Planting:
To plant, choose with the “Multi Tool” any plowed square and the Market Window will pop up. Here, you can choose a seed and start planting on your plowed lands. This will take money for each planted seed and will give you xp depending on the seed. After you plant, you just wait for it to grow, and try to remember when it will be 100% ready.
Farmville Game Step 3 – Harvesting:
This is the nicest step of all. When all of your crops have the message “Fully Grown” you ready to harvest. Choose your Multi Tool and start clicking on those crops. As soon as you click, the farmer will start harvesting. For each fully grown crop harvested you’ll get money and Mastery Points, and if they’re fertilized you’ll get some xp.
After harvesting, the land will stay “yellow” and ready to be plowed again. Now you can plow with the “Multi Tool”. Is the same, just you don’t have to click on the Plow Tool once more xD
Harvesting works too for Animals and Trees. This, unlike crops will only need to be bought once and then placed on your farm. As soon as they’re placed, they will start “getting ready”. Animals and Trees can be both bought or gifted. If you get with 0 coins and no crops planted, wait for this to be ready and save your day.
For more detailed information, visit FARMVILLE SECRETS and get your Farmville tips and strategies for FREE.