Do you want to run car on water by converting water into Hydrogen gas?
Last week, I read a journal titled run your car on water technology. I was really surprised to observe that one could run a car on water.
If you Google “run a car on water” technology, there are many reviews promising the moon. Everyone says it will better 50% of your economy. Yes, they may be right to some extent.
But remember that this Run Car On Water technology is experimental.
Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell
Stanley Meyer, the inventor of the water-fuelled cell technology, has clarified it saying there are unknown factors such as weather, altitude, a mechanical and electrical condition of the car is responsible for the fuel efficiency in addition to this unique technology.
For example, there are differences between Toyota of East US and Toyota of California because of emission regulations.
Before going further, did you observe the latest crude oil prices? It has touched an all-time high of $139.12. It’s really shocking to note a huge jump.
Similarly, oil prices crashed to all-time sub-zero levels (-$37.63 a barrel on April 20th 2020) due to COVID-19 lockdown. Now, the global oil demand is returning to pre-crisis levels even when the world economy remains in the doldrums.
How to Make a Water Powered Car?
Whatever may be the causes of this huge price rise, we have to ultimately bear it, otherwise, look for alternatives.
Is a Water Powered Car really possible? Yes, due to the technical advancements, the water-powered car has become a reality. Moreover, with this unique technology, you just need very little water to run your car.
One quart of water provides 1800 gallons of HHO gas that last for months and thus your vehicle gets increased fuel efficiency.
The next question that comes to our mind is … Is it an expensive thing? Absolutely No!
You can procure all the raw materials at your local hardware and auto-parts stores. Moreover, you just need to have an investment of less than $60 for installing the conversion set-up.
Don’t worry about its safety. All the process is very safe as the combustible gas is extracted as and when needed. No storage of inflammable of gases. Thus, there is no question of the danger of inflammability.
Run Car with Water Needs Little Investment
Water car is an innovative Do-It-Yourself technology to run your car on water. Even a nontechie person could handle this with no special tools. The speciality of this water-fuelled car technology is low cost and maintenance.
You don’t require any special tools to run your car on water. All the required hardware can be procured at the nearby retail stores or auto shops.
With an extra $120-130 investment, you could make a water-powered car. Apart from this small investment, you don’t need any other special things.
The other requirement to run your car on water is nothing but water. You don’t need any specialized water for this technology. You can simply use the tap water or any household water what we generally use.
Thanks to this innovative water-powered car technology, I could now save 50% on the fuel bills thereby doubles the mileage.
Why don’t you run your car on water and save your gasoline bills?
Efficient & Economical Alternative
Nowadays, most of the people are interested in knowing the alternatives of gasoline in running car. With the increase in fuel prices, everybody is looking for possible alternatives to run their vehicles efficiently and economically.
Due to increasing gasoline costs and nonrenewable petroleum products, more and more people are converting their cars to run on water.
Transformation Procedure is Totally Revocable
Best of all, the whole transformation procedure is totally revocable. Therefore, there is no fear of voiding manufacturer warranty of the car. Make a car that runs on water and reduce your fuel costs.
If you observe the testimonials pointing that some people are happy with just 12.5% of better fuel economy. On the contrary, I get more than 50% fuel economy when I did convert it to a water-powered car.
Then where lies the difference?
As per the car guidelines, I drive at the exact speed that gives better mileage. But on the other hand, some drive at higher speed, which is not recommended.
I don’t say I’m the perfect car driver (or owner), but I do observe all the recommendations and thus enjoy the fruits of the water-powered car inventor.
At $147 per barrel crude oil, most of the research scientists and Government are also eager to bring out efficient methods to counter the rising prices of petrol and diesel.
The research studies pointed to the new revolution in the trend of fuel for vehicles. Do you know what is it? Some may have not even guessed it.
If you are a technical geek, then you would not be surprised to know that water is the best fuel to run your car. It is not only the safest but also the efficient fuel in terms of mileage and expenses.
Best of all, it saves the world from global warming and ozone depletion.
Run Car with Water Formula: Air + Water = Gasoline
The Mechanism. Meyer’s fuel cell.
Water is one of the most abundant elements in this world. Unfortunately, we are not using it at an optimal level. Water is an excellent supplement to gasoline.
With the scientific procedure, you can run your car on the water by converting water into hydrogen gas.
This hydrogen gas is so powerful that it reportedly doubled (tripled in some cases) the mileage and saved more than 50% on the gasoline expenses. It not only increases the car’s fuel efficiency but also reduces the fuel costs as much as by 40%.
Scientifically, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. It does not lead to any pollution. As it is a natural substance, it does not generate any emission that is hazardous to life on the planet Earth.
Moreover, as you can use the normal tap water, you don’t need to spend on anything except the initial infrastructure to make your car run on water.
Water to Gasoline (HHO) DIY Conversion Kits
There are several websites that provide you with detailed information on how to run your car on water. Best of all, just by reading them, you can easily and safely convert your car engine to run on water.
However, I would prefer the most respectable site that portrays a pictorial presentation on converting water into hydrogen gas. These are termed as conversion kits or guides that make the things easier.
Now I’d Like to Hear From You
My only suggestion – Don’t have high expectations for this novel technology. Just remember, if you don’t have high expectations, then no doubt you will love this water-fuelled car technology.
Yes, indeed, you can double your mileage.
As the oil prices are not controlled by the regulating agencies and thus they are reaching an all-time high ($135/barrel), you need to search for better alternatives to save gas and energy.
Now I’d like to hear from you:
Are you going to make your car run on water? Or maybe you have a question about something you read.
Access the most simplified process of the water-powered car with easy step by step instructions. Just use the ordinary tap water and run your car on water.
Get Water to Gasoline conversion kit to convert your car to burn water and double your mileage. Personally, I’ve transformed my car engine to run on water, it’s your time to save your money.