No doubt, Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Some take it as a part time job and whereas others consider it serious making a full time income from it. Andrew Fox is one such super affiliate who is known for his cutting edge affiliate marketing techniques.
Most of the publishers consider Andrew Fox as a top class affiliate for their products and services. Surely, he’s the best at affiliate marketing and even figures point out the same thing. Recently, Andrew has come up with Affiliate X Factor, where he has shown the world how he personally uses Affiliate Marketing to generate a full time income.
Everybody thought Affiliate X Factor would be a traditional affiliate marketing ebook. On contrary to much anticipation, Affiliate X Factor turned to be a 6 week course that purely concentrated on affiliate marketing skills.
Some say that it is a million dollar blueprint, but I do not agree with that opinion. It will not make you a millionaire but surely it will arm you with all the affiliate marketing weapons that help you to make decent money online. One thing is for sure, Affiliate X Factor can make you a successful affiliate marketer with its ready to implement ideas and strategies.
Let me brief out the 6 week video training imparted through Affiliate X Factor
Week #1: You will learn how to build a customer base that loves to do business with you. The tips revealed in this week will make you to grab a hot profitable market.
Week #2: You will learn how to drive super targeted traffic and convert that traffic into sales. You will also know the sneaky Google Adwords techniques that return a huge profit on hidden keywords.
Week #3: Access the cobra snake charmer method that helps you to make money without appearing to hard sell your customer.
Week #4: Know the secret in creating authentic bonus packages even if you don’t have anything to offer. Surely the bonus packages increases the conversion rate as much as by 500%.
Week #5: Know the secret on how to create pre sell pages to skyrocket the profits. Pre sell pages are worth the recommendation when you are trying recommending affiliate products.
Week #6: You will learn the final how to launch and execute a plan to make it successful campaign. It finally makes a finishing touch to all the previous training so that you can create a heavy affiliate payout day.
Undoubtedly, Andrew Fox’s Affiliate X Factor is for everyone who wants to make BIG in the affiliate marketing path.