According to Rob Benwell, Blogging To The Bank Founder, selling your blog is a new way to Make Money Online. This is really a good method to earn huge profits within a span of 12 months to 2 years. Therefore, once you have your blogs up and running earning steady money it’s a great option to sell them.
Now don’t think your bogs have to be earning thousands of dollars every month to sell. You can sell blogs making $50 per month. With this system, Rob believes that there is two type blogging formula approaches.
Any short term blog that has been earning $50 or more for 2-3 months consistently should be sold on at this point for at least $300. This will then provide you money to invest in your long term blog without having to find this money personally. It can be used for anything from a blog re-design and branding, to link building or outsourcing.
Here are the best places to sell your blogs either single or as a network.
Therefore, I strongly suggest that you should aim to sell short term blogs on Digital Point forum as it is free. Only move sites up to Flippa if they are earning over $100 per month as out aim is to hit $1000 for these sites.
All long term blogs should be sold on Flippa. Now, when you’re getting ready to sell your blog you can expect to get anywhere from 6 to 12 months profit for it. I wouldn’t sell a blog for less than 6 months revenue as it doesn’t make any sense to let profitable blogs or websites go for this cheap.
If you have a network of blogs then you may also be able to approach an existing large business in the blog’s same market and sell to then for even a few years profit. For more information, you can visit the exclusive resource – BLOGGING TO THE BANK.