Google Assassin officially retired.
At last, I could have a copy of Chris recent release – The Google Assassin. After a series of success with Affiliate Project X and Day Job Killer, Chris has come up with a new product. I would honestly rate Affiliate Project X as the best product that made a clear impact on affiliate marketing business with its groundbreaking PPC techniques.
I Hate Selling:
Since I was a satisfied customer, I did not go to the sales page and even didn’t bother about it. Personally, I do not like any sales page, as they simply target and convince you to buy the product showing some screenshots and testimonials which may not be a real stuff. Moreover, these sales letters are written by professionals that they could sell a place on the moon even though you are not aware of it. In some cases, they attempt to sell sand in Sahara too. So I’m least bothered about them.
Let me tell you, Google Assassin is not a onetime product but in fact, it is a membership site that aims at Affiliate Marketing & PPC at the same time. In reality, both affiliate marketing and PPC exist together and both work hand in hand. So, there is no need for separate discussion.
Google Assassin Runs PPC Campaign with Tools:
According to Chris, the Google Assassin consists of 5 parts namely:
1. Google Assassin Daddy Keyword Extractor:
This software helps you to spy on competitors to discover the most profitable keywords. With this, you can concentrate on other activities instead of trial and error research saving a lot of time and money.
2. Google Adwords Micro Nicher:
This software makes you exploit micro niches with less than 1 cent per click on Google Adwords. So by investing less in these micro niches, you will make more money.
3. Google Assassin Campaign Kidnap:
This software steals the most lucrative campaigns of your competitors that include their ads, keywords and everything pertaining to the campaign. So, you don’t test anything. Your competitor does everything for you.
4. Google Assassin Article Spotter:
This software searches for relevant articles in Google mainly targeting Ezine Articles based on the keywords, Page Rank, and other SEO related aspects. Surely this big time saver software tool if you are searching for articles related to your keywords.
5. Google Assassin Super Affiliate Blueprint:
This is purely a downloadable material that has everything about affiliate marketing and PPC. Honestly, I’m not satisfied with this blueprint as it doesn’t have any groundbreaking techniques to implement.
What makes the GoogleAssassin interesting and a must buy product is its software products. The article marketing with affiliate products is nothing new to implement, but Chris has given a unique approach with his Google Assassin. I really appreciate the work done by Chris in bringing out the best affiliate marketing tools. They are really amazing and time savers when you are looking at Google Adwords.
Though the Google Assassin is a new product, I could definitely say it could slash your Google Adwords campaign cost by as much as 50%. I’m very much impressed with the performance of software’s and thus, I would clearly say that it will make you earn money with all the tools when correctly applied.
Surely a Recommended membership program if you are looking at Google Adwords. Sign up before you are too late – Google Assassin.
Important Update:
There’s a lot of rumors and finally, Google Assassin is officially retiring.