Search Engine Phantom! Will it offer targeted traffic at zero cost.
Whatever may be the business, customers are the real purpose of business. Without customers, there is no business. If it is an online business, the traffic is the most important thing. Even if you make a fantastic website with lots of colorful things, there is no point in it if the site does not have traffic.
Traffic is an essential thing which every webmaster craves for. If you have got your own product to sell, then traffic is a must. We do a lot of things to get traffic. Even we tend to buy traffic in the form of Google Adwords. We outsource SEO and optimize the website. Some do DIY SEO using Search Engine Optimization SEO Software tools.
Search Engine Phantom Review:
The success of any online business depends on the targeted traffic you receive. Recently, I came through a package Search Engine Phantom which was designed to help the webmasters get targeted traffic.
At a first-hand experience, I would like to furnish my honest review on Search Engine Phantom. Jeff Alderson is the master behind the launch of this unique SEO package. The traffic generating SEO ideas discussed are nothing new but these being the standard practices, definitely, it is a worth to look at. I admit that with these SEO techniques, one can get higher Page Rank, unlimited traffic and thus high volume sales and successful business.
The Search Engine Phantom package consists of 4 power packed ingredients, namely:
1. Traffic Equalizer:
With this, you can create unlimited keyword optimized pages with a click of a button. Search engines like the websites that contain a number of pages.
2. RSS Equalizer:
RSS is the most advanced thing to hit search engines. Really Simple Syndication, in short RSS, feeds offers the visitors valuable content 24/7/365. Thus, the web page has refreshing content with RSS giving you a definite advantage in the search engine listings and rankings.
3. Sitemap Equalizer:
Sitemaps guide search engines what to look and what not to look on your website. The sitemap equalizer creates sitemaps with the highest quality and you do not need to interfere in that. It automatically submits the created sitemaps to Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com with a click of a button.
4. SEO Spider:
This is highly advanced software that analyzes your competition in minutes. You can know every aspect of SEO. Starting from pages on the server to a number of pages indexed by Google, and other parameters like link popularity, Alexa rank, SERP in Google, Yahoo and MSN. It creates a comprehensive SEO summary report on any website you desire. In fact, this is really a big time saver for every webmaster.
On analyzing the performance of its advanced features, I’m satisfied with the working of Search Engine Phantom, and would definitely recommend it to every webmaster to get relieved of the tedious procedures on SEO.
Latest Important Update:
This is to inform that Search Engine Phantom has officially been removed from the marketplace. However, you can utilize the services of top rated SEO Softwares. Get the targeted visitors and stay in business.