Water powered car kit is the need for the hour.
Do you know the common news that hits the headlines every day? It is nothing but increasing gasoline prices.
The fuel prices have increased by more than 120% over the last year.
Are you interested in knowing the historical prices of crude oil?
In June 1997, it was $17.20 per barrel … $59.25 per barrel in June 2007 … but now it has touched an all-time high price of $139.12.
During COVID-19 pandemic, it recorded a sub-zero price of -$37.63 a barrel on April 20th 2020)
That means those who were spending $400 per month on gasoline are now spending about $1000 per month. What a steep increase in their expenses of the monthly budget?
Everybody of us has day jobs and should compulsorily travel miles to reach our offices. With the increasing fuel costs, are there any alternatives?
Best Alternatives to High Gasoline Prices
Yes, there are some fantastic alternatives to save money. Let me list out them here.
1. Reach Office by Walk, Cycle or Public Transport
Indeed, they are really good options to save our money on increasing gasoline prices. However, all of the above options take time and we cannot reach the office late.
2. Car Pooling
Just find out a few people who are working in and around the job location that live near you. Form a group and reach your destiny. This sort of grouping works very well if all the people have a similar work schedule.
3. Run Car with Water
This is the latest hybrid car technology that makes your car run on water. It saves your fuel expenses by as much as 40% to 60%.
Don’t think that simply pouring the water in your tank will run the car. It needs separate automotive engineering. But you too can transform your car to run on water and make it a water-powered car.
With continuous growing crude oil rates, it is understood that several of the car owners are looking for better alternatives.
One among them is to opt for a water-powered car engine approach.
There are about 6,300 internet searches per day for this new technology. There are many keyword searches like “run your car on water”, “water car”, “water powered car”, “run a car on water, “water-fueled cars” etc.
Interestingly, all of them directing to water-powered car engine technology.
How To Run Car On Water with Water Powered Car Kit?
Last week, as usual, I was browsing the internet without having anything in the mind to search for. Suddenly, I was surprised to note a thesis on water fuel technology.
With this water fuel technology, you can run your car on water. Yes, you read it right. There is no wonder that you can convert your car engine to make it run on water instead of gas.
With an ever-increasing demand for crude oil, the price of gas has also gone up. This led to the research for alternative resources of power mainly renewable resources such as water as fuel.
If you are interested in reducing the gas bills, then you might be searching for more information on the water powered car kit.
My Mini Research Project on Water Powered Car Engine
With this statistical data, I was very much surprised and started researching whether I could really get a water-powered car engine. This mini-research led to interesting facts about the water-powered car engine.
Earlier in the school days, we used to participate in the discussions such as “Technology – Boon or Bane”.
Theoretically, every technology is 100% beneficial. Upon testing, it might suffer from disadvantages too. The same is the case with water-powered cars.
Learn how to run your car on water and make it water powered car.
Water Powered Cars are 100% real and use normal tap water as fuel. Through a special infrastructure set up in the car engine, the water is electrolyzed to create hydrogen and oxygen. This enables you to replace your traditional gasoline with water.
The automobile specialists and experts term these modifications as hybrid cars. With hybrid cars, a water-powered car engine is definitely no-nonsense.
With water-powered car technology, I’m sure you can prevent global warming. There is nothing to re-invent a different model car, just slight modifications will make a water-powered car engine.
Water Powered Car Kits Review
If you search for “how to run your car on water”, then most of the found resources say that water-powered car technology is damn great and hype it in their own exclamatory words.
But no one gives you an unbiased review of water-powered cars. So I thought, why not research myself and furnish water-powered cars review.
Let me first list out the noticeable pros of water-powered cars technology:
- Fuel Savings: At the end of the month, if we calculate the total gasoline charges, we would pay less due to the increased mileage when compared to our conventional fuel.
- As we use water as fuel, there are no global warming and carbon emissions.
- No fossil fuel consumption.
- No noise and air pollution
- Less maintenance – As there is no carbon emission, less maintenance is required.
- As the water-powered cars use the reversible technology, you can reverse to the old process at any time.
Cons of Water Powered Car Kit
On the flip side, if we consider the cons of water-powered cars technology, here are our observations:
- You should be fully aware of the different parts of the car. Even though I’ve been using my Ford car from years, but, frankly speaking, I’m not aware of the functionality of the different parts of the car.
- Even though water-powered cars technology is fully reversible, but I’m 100% confident that one cannot make it if you are going for a long drive. The reversible process requires some sort of technical expertise.
Keeping these cons aside, I’m fully satisfied with water-powered cars technology. As every technology has some pros and cons, so does the water-powered cars.
After fully cross-checking the advantages and disadvantages, I’m of the view that water fuelled cars are the need for the hour.
Water Powered Car Kit FAQ’s Answered
Stanley Meyer’s patent for his hydrogen car.
Hope this article answers some of your queries pertaining to water as fuel.
Q1. Do you have to modify the car engine?
Ans: Yes. If you want to reduce your gas bills, then you have to modify your car engine so that it supports water as fuel. Do not worry; the procedure is damn so easy that you can modify it reading the step-by-step instructions.
Moreover, the whole process is reversible. Any time. If you want to pay the gas bills, then you can surely reverse the modification process.
Q2. How much it would cost for the modification of the engine?
Ans: During the modification of the car engine, you need to change certain things which may cost you some money.
Most of the things can be had from your own home, but for certain special things, you need to contact your local hardware store. All together, all the modifications may cost you around 150-200 USD.
Q3. What is the mileage that you are going to get?
Ans: Statistically, there is no exact figure that you will experience in your mileage. However, the testimonials and my personal experience show that there is an improvement of up to 50% in the mileage.
That means you will reduce the gas bills by half. With this 50% reduction in the gas bills, you may allocate the saved amount to other important expenses.
Q4. Is there any requirement for special water?
Ans: No. There is nothing special about the water. You are free to use the normal plain water that you regularly use from the tap.
Q5. Do you need any technical expertise and What is the difficulty level?
Ans: The whole process is very easy and you can easily modify your car to run on water. There is no requirement for any technical expertise. The step-by-step instructions on how to run your car with water will provide you with all the basic knowledge required for it.
For driving a car you need some expertise, but to modify the engine, you don’t need anything except water as fuel.
Here’s a How-To Run Car with Water guide that helps you with illustrative examples. It is a step-by-step manual that clearly explains to you how to save your money by making water powered car.
With crude oil prices touching all-time high ($147), you need to look for better cost-saving innovations such as running your car on water.
For detailed information, you can just refer to the step by step instructional manual on Water Powered Car Engine.